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Other hirers

A number of charitable and other organisations use our premises.  We list here the main charitable or church-related organisations:

Full-time users:

  • The Christian Bookshop occupies the ground floor of the Old Manse (in front of the new church in the middle of the car park)
  • CROPS (Christian Options in Peterborough Schools), a Christian Educational Trust committed to communicating and demonstrating Christian truth and life-style to the present generation of young people   Website:  CROPS occupies the upstairs of the Old Manse
  • Peterborough Association for the Blind.  Website:


Regular or occasional meetings:

  • Peterborough Widows and Widowers Group
  • Peterborough Council for Voluntary Service
  • Townswomen's Guild
  • among others.

The Hussain soup kitchen now uses our premises on the last Saturday of each month:

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