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Service to the Community

There is considerable hardship for many individuals and families in our city when income is severely reduced through loss of employment, delay in payment of benefits, etc. Peterborough churches have responded to this situation by establishing a "Foodbank" in partnership with the Trussell Trust. Various agencies can provide vouchers to people in need, entitling them to three days' emergency food supplies for themselves and where relevant their families. Churches and some other organisations operate distribution centres where food is provided in exchange for these vouchers.  

Westgate New Church has served as a Foodbank distribution point previously, but during the pandemic this service was centralised.
More information about Peterborough Foodbank is on this website:


Historically, during the Summer (May to September) Westgate New Church has hosted Christian Aid lunches on Fridays - an economical meal is provided by different churches in the city, including Westgate for two weeks.  We have provided our premises for this free of charge. Proceeds from the lunches go to Christian Aid.


Westgate New Church is an active member of Churches Together in Central Peterborough (more information under "Our Partners"). The Churches Together Community Group researches social problems affecting our city and finds ways in which the churches, including ours, can support those who are seeking to address these problems.


Our minister, Revd Dr Langley Mackrell-Hey, is chaplain to the Boy's Brigade unit at Brookside Methodist Church, serves as Padre to the RAF Cadets Sqn 51 (based in Orton Waterville) and supports the Girl's Brigade unit at Whittlesey. 


A service provided by our church is to make rooms available to local organisations needing a place to meet in the city centre. While we have to charge for this service, rooms are provided to charitable and religious organisations at a concessionary rate. Although following a move from larger premises we have less space there is still be some availability of rooms for hire.

The leaflet describing rooms for hire, and charges, is attached:  rooms for hire

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